Benefits of Using Security Guard Services Versus a Security System
January 6, 2022
When it comes to protecting your business, employees and customers, there’s no substitute for on-site security. Hiring a security guard is the take-charge approach to managing facility safety and personal welfare that you deserve.
Maybe you’ve been researching security options. You might be saying, “Why can’t I just use a security system with live monitoring instead?”
As you compare the pros and cons of hiring a security guard to the option of using security cameras with live monitoring, you should know the advantages of surveillance by a person on-site.
1. Security Guards Discourage Crime
Using a security guard shows that you take the welfare of your business and property seriously. Statistics prove that having a physical guard on-site discourages crime. This fact is why so many establishments like banks, retail businesses and medical dispensaries use security guards as a proactive defense. Even with remote video surveillance, security systems simply record incidents as they happen, unlike an on-site security guard who can respond right away.
In some cases, your business may need access control or scanning. Your guard helps identify authorized visitors and employees and prevents dangerous items from entering your property.
Recent studies also show the public police force is experiencing a staffing shortage. Approximately 86% of public police departments nationwide are coping with staff challenges that translate into fewer resources. The more you do to proactively protect your people and property, the less likely you’ll need to rely on those resources.
2. Security Guards Can Actively Patrol Your Premises
While security systems can alert you if doors are ajar or a camera isn’t working, they can’t close doors to keep an intruder from entering or make minor repairs to a camera. In those situations, you’ll need an employee to return to the premises to fix it. Does anyone enjoy waking at 3:00 a.m. to respond to an open door alarm? Probably not.
Unlike stationary cameras, a guard can police the whole of your property at regular or random intervals to keep you free from potential harm. Guards can check that entrances and exits function correctly and that other monitoring equipment, such as fire alarms, are in working condition. Random policing makes your business a less probable mark when patrol routines are unpredictable. On-site security guards can also resolve situations with potential mischief-makers on the spot.
3. Security Guards Are People Observers
A security guard has a set of people skills that security systems don’t.
Guards train to understand the way people normally move and speak and identify suspicious behavior that can signal a crime is about to happen. When necessary, an experienced guard can also use de-escalation tactics designed to steer a situation into a calmer territory and prevent it from getting worse.
4. Security Guards Provide Helpful Assistance
While a security system monitoring service can dispatch emergency medical personnel when needed, they can’t provide treatment on the spot. On the other hand, a security guard is often certified in CPR and first aid so they can assist in a medical emergency. Getting assistance quickly and effectively can make a positive difference in outcomes for you, your workers or customers.
In the event of a fire or other urgent situation, trained security guards can help get people to safety, establish boundaries and assist first responders. When Mother Nature delivers a surprise, guards assist in securing your property and responding to events in ways cameras can’t.
Security guards also help your employees increase their productivity. Workers are free to focus on job-related tasks instead of their welfare when they’re in a safe environment. When you face the unpleasant task of terminating an employee, a security guard can facilitate that process, too. Guards can prevent property theft and destruction as well as bodily injury from an aggressive employee during the termination process.
5. Security Guards Make Technology Better
Even if you already have a security system in place, a security guard can be a valuable member of your protection team. Guards consistently monitor any cameras on the premises and respond when needed. Their on-site presence gives them an advantage over law enforcement that’s not on the scene. A recent study found a drop in crime of 18% when guards team up with traditional security system technology.
At Vigilant Tiger Security, Protection Is Our Profession and Our Passion
Vigilant Security is an experienced Colorado Springs business protection provider that designs long-term security plans customized to your organization’s needs. Many of our guards are former Special Forces, and they all have military experience. Our team members’ comprehensive training is unparalleled in our industry and sets Vigilant Tiger Security apart. You can rest assured that your investments are in the hands of our reliable professionals. When you need elite protection for your Colorado Springs property, contact our knowledgeable staff for a complete consultation.