How to Know If Your Event Needs Security
August 16, 2019
Event security is a primary concern for just about anyone who hosts or attends any gathering of people these days. Large crowds are vulnerable to threats from terrorists and other individuals with bad intentions. Organizers face the daunting challenge of striking the appropriate balance — maximizing the enjoyment and safety of attendees without employing overly restrictive security measures. The following guidelines can help you determine how much security you need to ensure a safe event. Always consider the following.
How Many Guests Are Attending
As a general rule, the more people who will be attending an event, the greater the need for a security team. Many security experts use 50 guests as the dividing line between a small and large event where a security force is essential. If there will be 10 to 50 attendees, you may require only one security guard. If there are fewer than 10 guests, you can probably get by without security.
Attendees and Their Level of Risk
The nature of the event dictates the type of individuals who are likely to attend and directly affects the level of risk involved. For example, a political rally will probably attract protestors who have an opposing point of view, especially in today’s highly polarized political rally. You’ll need a bigger security team at these emotionally charged events than you would at a more innocuous gathering with the same number of attendees.
Alcohol at the Event
Alcohol and big crowds can be a lethal combination. All it takes is one spilled drink or an accidental bump to instigate a brawl. The risk of an alcohol-related misadventure is even greater at events where consumption tends to be higher, such as concerts and sporting events. As a guideline, you should hire twice as many security guards for an event with alcohol than for a non-alcohol event. Beef up your security team even more if you’re concerned about the potential for bad behavior.
Time of Day
A nighttime event typically poses a greater security risk than a gathering during the day. The darkness can provide additional cover for individuals who are planning to disrupt an event. You’ll also need extra security teams to provide protection in poorly lit spaces in and around the venue — especially parking lots.
Staging an event at a venue in a remote area can make it easier to control access to the facility. On the other hand, it might make it harder to get adequate security resources to the site. Events held in the middle of a large city or population center may make the venue a more attractive target to criminals and terrorists, but you can more easily secure large security teams if need be.
Contact Vigilant Tiger Security for Your Event Security Needs in Colorado Springs, CO
If you’re planning an event in the Colorado Springs area, the professionals at Vigilant Tiger Security can help you determine your security requirements. We’ll help you find the right answer to the question, “Does my event need security?” Contact us to learn more today.